I urge you to imagine where you could be without any limits. Without knowing anything about you, other than you are a human being with an emotional body, I am certain that you can achieve it.
It may require courage, commitment, an improved tolerance of discomfort, perseverance, and other emotional skills. However, these skills are learnable through the therapeutic process.
I have had numerous conversations where people have said things like; “I don’t belong there”, “that’s not for people like me”, “I can’t” or the ever-popular “I am not good enough”. Many of these limits are self-imposed beliefs about what you can or cannot do with specific conditions that you think you have met or not met. Remember that your thoughts, especially about yourself, are not facts.
Ensure your self-talk, thoughts about yourself, and actions or behaviours do not support this narrow narrative because you are always listening and taking your beliefs to heart. You can be like a parent who tears down a child and keeps them suppressed or one who supports unconditionally and provides an emotionally safe place for their child to thrive. The choice is yours; this is the point and importance of free will.
Many people in life will place limitations and try to define you because of your gender, race, type of hair, the colour of your skin, likes and dislikes, where you live, their insecurities, etc. Don’t be one of these people, especially to yourself. Be the unconditional support and love for yourself that you may be missing in life. ✨
#limitations #unconditionallove #genuinesupport #believeinyou #nolimits #cbt #freewill #therapy #therapywithcamille #Camillequaminatherapy #healing #growth #philosophy